Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cold, Chilly Tuesday

Before my play writing class, i got some equal exchange decaf, and added soymilk and treated myself to a Cliff Brownie Bar, what a delicious combination on such a cold afternoon

After Class and a long work shift, I came back to my dorm and had some whole wheat bread, with tabboleouh, red pepper hummus,lettuce, tomatoes, and sprouts, an awesome combination:) and hit the spot
I am now off to the Gym, which I haven't done in a while due to ed issues and hoping to slowly get back into it, I'm thinking just a little ellipitical tonight, I'm not a big gym fan, due to my intense love of the outdoors and that includes biking and running, but due to all the ice and snow of new england, this will have to wait a bit till it warms up more, I love any working out and rock climbing which I haven't done since the fall, but its one of my favorites and hopefully then get some psych in before Bed, to prep for my exam on Thursday and then I'm done for a week:) It can't come soon enough, I feel that this trip to Tennessee will really challenge ed and myself to see that theres is so much more to life and it will give me that push that i need, right now!

This picture reminds me of that first step to overcome an challenge is the hardest and I know on this challenge of overcoming Ed I have already taken this step, and so I need to continue on my journey of recovery.


Pamela Alida said...

I can totally relate to how you feel about the gym. I would much rather be outside too. Keep up the great work!

aussirish said...

wow fantastic pic :)
i can completely relate to you about the gym...it reminds me too much of being in the depths of my ed...so instead i go on runs outside...im in ireland so weve got cold ice weather too at the mo...but hopefully things will imprve so you can go outdoors more!
have a great afternoon