Friday, March 12, 2010

Becoming Vegan and Enjoying it!

I am experimenting with maybe committing to becoming a vegan, I was one for about one year in high school and am aware of how to do it and everything. I always have loved alot of vegan goods Soy delicious ice cream is almost the only ice cream I eat, I love raw tofu plain, I eat soy yogurt alot, and I prefer soy and almond milk and have never been a fan of regular milk since high school. With all the realizations of how little I actually eat things that aren't vegan besides my big fav which is fish, which is something I'm still asking myself can I give it up and not let ed take part in this whole choice. As right now its a personal choice not driven by ed as I feel free of it more when I'm eating things I love and that I believe help the environment. Some new vegan eats that I've been enjoying are:

So Delicious Coconut yogurt I will just say is amazing, I luv this stuff, I had the coconut milk ice cream they make before, but this yogurt surprised me. I've tried alot of different soy yogurts alot of times unimpressed except for Silk which I really enjoy, but this stuff is right up there with me and I can happily replace my greek yogurt and start eating this:)

I had to sneak one of these in the other day in my grocery cart, read about in this book

Lets just say it might be the icing on the cake, when it comes to making the choice to become vegan, jk, I really do love my vegs and everything else out there too:)

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